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Editing: Production Management

For my final year on Muse, I was given the privilege to work as the Production Managing Editor (ME). 

This role has me working behind the scenes a whole lot more while overseeing design, multimedia, and parts of web/ social media. My role is to work with these sections to establish a cohesive brand for The Muse.

A personal goal of mine while taking up this position was to really connect with the Muse's staff on a more genuine level; as a staffer and editor, I never truly felt supported by (or even really got to know) past MEs, so I sought out to be the shoulder to rely on I wish I would have had. 


Slideshow Lessons & Resources

(Web) Editing

(Print) Editing

Beyond the Booths

This spread went through intense redesigns throughout all of the drafts, and there was even a change in who was designing it by the end: Ellie Symons, one of our Co-EICs this year, actually took this spread as her first design assignment. :) I showed her the ropes to working InDesign, and I got to teach her the principles of composition. 

Seeing Ellie embrace the world of design was a huge win, not only for the publication as a whole, but also for me as the editor who got to guide her.

'As We Stumble Along'

The layout for this story also had a lot of reworking, but such is the way of design. :P

When editing this, the main thing I told Kayla Bobb, the designer, was to focus on establishing a visual hierarchy. I loved the photos she chose for this story-- especially the cutout!!-- she just needed to find the balance to give them all their time to shine. 

This was one of Kayla's first spreads for The Muse, so she had to learn to trust the designing process, but I helped her find her voice and style in the end. 

Team Bonding!! 


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